We Can Help. 800-444-6443 or 913-754-8883 info@biaks.org



BIAKS-GKC works to educate the community about brain injury. In turn, our organization cannot meet the needs of those who have had a brain injury without the help of the community. There are several ways to get involved.


Become a Member of BIAKS-GKC:

Membership is a great way to support BIAKS-GKC. Funds from memberships help us assist the thousands of individuals who reach out to BIAKS-GKC each year. Benefits include:

  • Subscription to BIA America’s publication, THE Challenge
  • Basic members: Complementary registration to Survivor and Family seminars
  • Friend members: Discount to Survivor and Family seminars
  • Professional members: Discount to Professional Conference
  • Corporate members: Discount on exhibitor fees for conferences and seminars; link to your organization from our website


How to Volunteer for BIAKS-GKC:

There are a number of volunteer opportunities at BIAKS. Each BIAKS event relies on community volunteers to get the job done. Committees within the BIAKS Board of Directors are always looking for people within the community to join. We also welcome volunteers in the office, as the need is required. To become a volunteer, please complete the “Contact Us” form.


Where to Donate to BIAKS-GKC:

Our mission cannot be met without donations from individuals. These donations are used to provide accurate and timely information to those who need it at no charge to them. You can maximize your gift by checking if your company participates in a matching gift program. Our secure on-line donation option makes giving trouble-free.rector.


Legislative Action:

Let your senators and congressmen, both at the state and federal level, know how you feel about current legislation. Use the links below to find out who currently represents you in your state and on the federal level.


Facing a brain injury is a difficult challenge. The Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Greater Kansas City is here to help.  Call 800-444-6443 or 913-754-8883, extension 1, to reach our Program Director.


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