Linda’s Story
Motor Vehicle Accident in 1989. Hit by a drunk driver.
Top part of mask is yellow for looking up. Bottom part is blue for my always optimistic outlook.
My head injury was a car accident in 1989 in Florida. It was so severe they put me in a coma for 3 months to reduce brain swelling. I lost several of my abilities, I can’t eat at all, and only speak a bit and walk just a bit with assistance. But I think the positive aspect of my injury was eventually it brought my family closer together. We have always been close emotionally and after my accident, My Mom and Dad started doing and supervising my care. My parents are retired now, but even when they weren’t physically doing it, they supervised it. The most positive thing that happened was in 2007 we found a perfect house for me, both for now and in the long run when I will need a live in caregiver again. But most importantly, it’s in Lawrence and that’s where my only sister and nephew live.
What I see as the most dramatic effect (after you get past all the physical changes ) is I have reached a positive state of mind of being happy with almost everything in my life. So, I guess the most dramatic change is my positive outlook. I have met several people who have become dear friends. They were mostly people who were my caregivers. One lady in AR has become a dear friend. But mostly they have been my caregivers.
I do find it hard to meet people. And this is the area that my head injury affects me the most. I’m limited in my mobility and verbal ability.